Astrology Classes
Astrology the jyothisha sastra is a part of 6 sastras which are vedangas. The name jyothisha sastra is derived from the word Jyothi which means deepam. It is a deepam which helps to see the good and bad times of the future. It is also told as astrology helps to find out the bad times of life as a deepam helps to find the things out of darkness. Astrology is mainly divided in to 3 divisions namely Siddhantha, Samhitha and Hora.
Astrology the jyothisha sastra is a part of 6 sastras which are vedangas. The name jyothisha sastra is derived from the word Jyothi which means deepam. It is a deepam which helps to see the good and bad times of the future. It is also told as astrology helps to find out the bad times of life as a deepam helps to find the things out of darkness. Astrology is mainly divided in to 3 divisions namely Siddhantha, Samhitha and Hora.
Siddhantha deals with the mathematical calculaiton of the astronomical bodies, where as Samhitha deals with worldl influences of planets such as natural disasters like earth quakes, hurricanes etc. Hora deals with individual horoscopes and helps in knowing about ones personal lives good and bad times, life events such as marriage, education, job, finance etc.
Astrology is both science and an art. It is science in the sense that it is based on the pure science of astronomy and mathematics and an art in the sense that it requires sufficient practice to give adequate results. The mathematical portion of astrology is comparatively easier, as most of its requirements are already available to us without much labor. Unlike old days, an astrologer is not called upon these days, to work out the longitudes of the heavenly bodies himself. These are easily available in an up-to-date form in modern ephemeris, and only have to be called out. But the art portion of astrology requires much, constant practice and devoted attention for correct appraisal of birth chart.
There are many systems of astrology which were written by different sages , some of them which are much popular are
1) Parasari system written by sage parasara maharshi who is also known as the grandfather of astrology and the very ancient method.
2) Jaimini System by Jaimini.
3) Naadi System by Bhrugu Maharshi.
4) Tajika System ( mundane astrology ) by Neelakantha.
5) KP system by Krishna Moorthy